Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law

About department

By the resolution of the Academic Council No. 01-07/930 dated June 13, 2019, the Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law of the IPL RAU  as a result of the merger of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law and the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law.
The department implements three levels of the educational process - bachelor's degree, master's degree, and postgraduate studies.
The educational process is built on a combination of classroom activities and independent work, as well as the active participation of students in optional scientific and practical events, among which are international and republican conferences, seminars, round tables, and other scientific events.
The mission of the Department is to organize and ensure the educational process with the aim of training highly qualified lawyers in the field of legal theory and constitutional law, as well as in the field of administrative and administrative procedural law.
The aims of the department are: The deployment of active scientific activity by both faculty members and students. Scientific research is particularly important for the department.
for which all the activity of the department is based on the principles of freedom of expression and scientific creativity. Ensure that the principle of freedom of scientific activity is implemented for students, which is reflected in their unlimited capacity to choose independently the directions of their scientific research, which is ensured by the support and guidance of representatives of the faculty. Development and introduction into the curriculum of the bachelor’s degree of non-standard and interdisciplinary subjects in various fields of law and organizes targeted training for specialists in these subjects, including their future inclusion in professorshipsFaculty of the department. Preparation of books in Russian and Armenian languages, for the organization of the educational process of the Armenian and Russian sectors of «Jurisprudence» according to the developed curricula.
The targeted and stable development of master’s programs « Administrative Law and Legal Proceedings," "Healthcare Law," which currently have no analogs in Armenia.
The Department of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law plays a major role in the development of the research life of the Institute of Law and Politics. The department is distinguished by a lot of scientific publications on current issues of state-legal development and activity in cooperation with relevant leading institutions and universities of RA, RF and other foreign universities.
The key research areas of the department are:
1.  Problems of correct understanding: modern approaches;
2.  Problems of the theory of the state and law;
3.  Contemporary problems of comparative jurisprudence: the problems of convergence of the Roman-German and Anglo-Saxon legal systems.
4.  Study of the forms of implementation of state functions in the context of a pandemic
5.  Analysis of the functions of the State and individual State bodies during martial law
6.  Study of the place of artificial intelligence in the theory of law and in the system of constitutional law
7.  Constitutional principles of public law protection of credibility
8.  Analysis of the legal meaning of silence as a form of expression of public law.
9.  Study of legal issues and problems in administrative proceedings
10.  Study of constitutional regulation of eugenic experiments
11.  Study and comparative analysis of the state-forming declarations in the system of sources of constitutional law.
12.  Development of the contra legem doctrine in light of modern legal realities

Due to high qualifications, competence and competitiveness, our graduates occupy a worthy place in the Armenian, Russian and international labor markets. The graduates of the department perform professional activities in the judicial system, in the National Assembly of RA, in the prosecutor’s office, carry out advocacy activity and are employed in the private sector in Armenia and abroad.


The disciplines of the departments are fundamental for the educational process in the bachelor’s degree, because they provide students with knowledge about basic categories of the state and law, transmit knowledge about the most general trends of development and the laws of the state-legal life of society, study the development of state-legal institutions, form a solid foundation of general legal culture and legal thinking among students.
Here is the translation:


The Department of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law offers the following master's programs:
- Health Law (Russian sector, Armenian sector)
- Administrative Law and Judicial Proceedings (Russian sector,)
- Constitutional Law, Municipal Law (Russian sector,)
- Constitutional Law, Theory of State and Law (Armenian sector,)


The Department of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law at the IPL of RAU coordinates the research training of postgraduates in the following specializations:
5.1.1. Theoretical and Historical Legal Sciences
5.1.2. Public Law (State Law) Sciences



Gambaryan Artur

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored lawyer of RA


. Yerevan Secondary School 172
1997-2001. Yerevan State University. Faculty of Law (bachelor’s degree)
2001-2003. Yerevan State University. Faculty of Law (master’s degree)
. Russian-Armenian (Slavonic university (postgraduate)
2008-2012. Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) university (doctorate)

Professional Experience

2003-2005: Economic Court and General Jurisdiction Court. Legal Representation
2008-2010: General Prosecutor's Office of RA. Prosecutor in the Department for Crimes Against the Person
2010-2012: General Prosecutor's Office of RA. Senior Prosecutor in the Department for Legal Support and European Integration
2012-2013: General Prosecutor's Office of RA. Head of the Department for Legal Support and European Integration
2013-2014: Criminal Defense Attorney
2014-2019: Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee of RA
2014-2019: Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee of the Investigative Committee of RA

Academic and Pedagogical Activities

2001-2002: Secondary School No. 129. Teacher of Theory of State and Law
2002-2004: Armenian Open University. Lecturer in Criminal Law
-2003-Present: Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. Teaching Activities
-2004-2006: State Academy of Management. Teaching Activities
- 2004-2006: Research and Educational Center of the General Prosecutor's Office of RA. Researcher
- 2006-2008: Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science, Research and Educational Center of the General Prosecutor's Office of RA
- 2006-2013: Research and Educational Center of the General Prosecutor's Office of RA. Activities in Prosecutor Staff Retraining
- 2010-Present: French University in Armenia. Teaching Activities
- 2015-2022: Acting Head of the Department of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law, Institute of Law Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
- 2022-Present: Head of the Department of Legal Theory and Constitutional Law, Institute of Law, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University

Awards and Honors

- Medal "Marshal Baghramyan," Ministry of Defense of RA
- Medal "For Cooperation," Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
- Medal "For Loyalty and Courage," Investigative Committee of RA
- Medal "Prime Minister of RA," Prime Minister of RA
- Medal "Honorary Medal of the National Assembly of RA," Chairman of the National Assembly of RA
- "Medal of the Prosecutor's Office of RA," General Prosecutor's Office of RA


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