Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure

About department

The Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure was established in 2004. From its inception until 2024, the head of the department was Associate Professor Araik Tunyan, who holds a Ph.D. in Law. The department’s activities primarily focus on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of undergraduate studies, where students with a propensity for scientific thinking are identified and given individual attention. As a result, the vast majority of these students, aiming to deepen their knowledge through research, continue their education in the master's program. The department is a graduating department within the Institute of Law. The educational process, which includes three stages: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and postgraduate, consists of both classroom classes and independent work, as well as active participation of students in optional scientific practical activities, among them international, National conferences, seminars, competitions, round tables and other scientific events.
The department has active cooperation with Yerevan State University, State Academy of Management, as well as with the Center for Intellectual Property Rights of Armenia, Association of Lawyers of Intellectual Property of Armenia and others. Among the partners of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, with which close cooperation is maintained, it should be noted that the Faculty of Law of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (M.U.), Rostov State Economic University (RYNI), Belarusian State Economic University, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Higher School of Economics (INH HSE), Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSU) and others.

The department is staffed by highly qualified specialists in private law and civil procedure, combining significant achievements in both legal science and legal practice. Faculty members are authors of scientific articles and monographs. The department features judges, lawyers, and leading theorists and practitioners in the field of jurisprudence.
On February 16, 2024, K.G. Sardarayan, PHD in LAW , was appointed acting head of the department. Since 2024 -Tuyan A.G. appointed Honorary Head of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law of the Institute.

The mission of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure is to contribute to the improvement of students' scientific-analytical approach to changes in the legislation of RA and RF, to teach students modern approaches in the field of private law, Familiarizing students with the specifics of civil law, improving the quality of teaching, etc. Within the department, there is an effort to develop new scientific approaches in the field of private law, particularly focusing on conceptual approaches to certain institutions in light of the broad application of the category of "good faith" in private legal relationships. The development of new approaches in intellectual property law is also underway, specifically: creating an effective system for the fixation and protection of copyright and other exclusive rights in the field of intellectual property. The issues of conflict-of-law regulation in intellectual property law are also being addressed.

The study of civil procedure issues includes: the role and significance of judicial precedent in the system of sources of civil law and process, and the development of a unified concept for reviewing judicial acts in civil cases. The questions of accessibility to justice and the problems of effective enforcement of judicial acts are also examined.


UNDERGRADUATE (Specializations):
Law  (Russian sector, Armenian sector, full-time and part-time formats)

Master's educational programs:
- Entrepreneurial and Commercial Law (Russian sector Armenian sector)
- Corporate Lawyer (Russian sector, Armenian sector)
- Civil Procedure, Arbitration Procedure (Russian sector
- Civil Law and Procedure (Armenian sector)
5.1.3. Private Law (Civil Law) Sciences”, (ԺԲ.00.03 “Private Law”) 
“ԺԲ..00.04 – Judicial Law”


Sardaryan Karen

Acting Head of the Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedure of the Institute of Law RAU. Founder of the law firm SARDARYAN BROTHERS Member of the Council of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia PhD in Law, Associate Professor


In 1996. graduated from the law faculty of Yerevan State University.
In 1997. Advanced training was held at the Tver regional training center of the prosecutor’s office of the RF.
In 2001-2005. was a graduate of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of the RA.
In 2005. defended the PhD thesis and received the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences.
Career as a lawyer
In 1997-2000. -  Investigator of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Transport Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow.
In 2001-2006. - Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the City Hall of Yerevan.
In 2006-2010gys. - private lawyer practicing in civil cases.
From 2010. to the present - lawyer of the Chamber of Lawyers of RA.
Academic activities
In 2002-2007. - Professor of the Law Faculty of the French University in Armenia.
In 2005-2015 - Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law Faculty of Law of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University. He is a graduate student of the University of Moscow.
In 2006-2012. - Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University.
In 2012-2013. - Scholar secretary of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University.
In 2013-2015 - Head of the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law Institute of Law and Politics of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University. He is a professor at the University of Moscow.
From 2017 to 2022. - a lecturer at the Yerevan branch of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,
From 2015 to present - a teacher in the School of Lawyers of RA and in the Chamber of Advocates of RA. He is also a professor at the Academy of Law of RA.
Author of more than 20 scientific papers in various fields of jurisprudence.
Co-author of the current Civil Code of RA.


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