  • 04 Dec
  • 2024

Otto Luchterhandt, Professor at the University of Hamburg, visited the RAU

    The Russian-Armenian University organized a meeting with Professor Otto Luchterhandt as part of a research project and an International XVIII Scientific Conference.

    This year, the Russian-Armenian University has once again claimed a number of victories in the framework of the grant funded by the Committee on Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, on "Research in the field of social sciences, Armenian Studies and Humanities - 2024". One of its important conditions is the mandatory visit to the Republic of Armenia by a foreign partner, close cooperation with which was announced by each of the winning scientific groups.
    We are pleased to inform you that just four months after the launch of the project on “Legal issues of public administration in the field of education in Armenia”, a scientific group,  led by the professor A. Ghambaryan, managed to organize a visit to Armenia by Otto Luchterhandt, Doctor of Law, Professor at the University of Hamburg. The professor is an outstanding specialist in the field of constitutional law, as well as an expert in international legal processes in Eastern European countries. Professor Otto Luchterhandt has been cooperating with the scientific and, in particular, the legal community of Armenia for many years, and his contribution to the formation of the constitutional culture of Armenia cannot be overestimated. Thus, he took an active part in the constitutional reforms that were carried out in independent Armenia since the 90s.
    The invitation of Professor Otto Luchterhandt as part of the design work of the scientific group was timed to coincide with the largest scientific event in the life of the RAU – the International Eighteenth Annual Scientific Conference. On December 3, a round table was organized with the participation of a professor who made a presentation on the topic: “The right to education as an individual right and as an institution in international and national law - an essay.” The participants of the round table discussed a number of topical issues related to the specifics of the education in Germany and Armenia. In particular, the issues of the relationship between public administration and the autonomy of universities, the grounds and measures of responsibility of students, the procedure for granting academic leave, the procedures for resolving intra-university conflicts, etc. were touched upon.